目前分類:Those I care (3)

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One year is like a cycle which you would remember things happened this moment last year.
That's why people usually celebrate anniversaries.
Then, it's my way of celebration.
You owed me a happy new year.
That's how we ended.

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I'm surprised to receive your wishes and sweet messages.
I'm also happy to have friends celebrate together.

When you asked me to make a vow, however, I'm not sure whether you would like to hear it.

It had been almost one year, I gradually restored my heart.
I miss you sometimes, remembering chatting with you when I'm depressed.

Are we friends or are we not
Can I be friends with whoever I liked

Wish me happy wish me good luck
And wish we will be good friends forever this time

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Tomorrow will be my 24th birthday.
Haha feel kind of old to celebrate it...
Have to face the music that I'm no longer a young girl.
And I have to lead an independent life.

Remember how much I was sad about nearly everything last Dec just cause you're not with me when I needed your comfort most.
It have been a tough year for me to find my whole self back without anyone's company.

Still, I'm happy and grateful right now. And cherish those happy days when we were together.
Thank you for everything in those days. Remember to wish me happy alone on this once special day.

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